Goddesses Blog

How to start your Goddess Journey?

Emotional mind is a platform for the journey to your femininity and in this blog I would like to take you on my journey. As it is on a journey, it...

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Inner chaos is outer chaos

Inner chaos is outer chaos

Confucius already knew that your outer attitude leads to your inner attitude. Today I would like to write a little about attitude, as this topic has a lot to do with personal development. You may have noticed that you can tell a few things about...
Healing comes through feeling

Healing comes through feeling

How chronic stress reduces your pain and how you can get out of this vicious circle.

Your body is a wonderful instrument that tells you in many different ways what you need and how you are feeling. However, we often get so caught up in the daily grind that we lose touch with our own body. Then we find ourselves doing things that...