Your journey to

Divine Femininity

Join more than 300+ women on their enlightening journey to Mind, Body & Soul Mastery.


Upon joining you will be invited to receive exclusive access to our private Facebook Group, early bird booking access for our limited online courses and live events as well as valuable free content from the "Emotional-Mind" founder, neuroscientist and coach, Dr. Caroline Böttiger once per week.

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Emotional Mind

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Every woman is a goddess and is connected to her archetypal roots and deep intuitive gifts - you too! Unimagined powers lie dormant within you, just waiting to be unleashed. Let´s go on this journey together!

I am Dr Caroline Böttiger, founder of emotional-mind, neuroscientist, alternative practitioner for psychotherapy and coach. I have been guiding women through fears and darkness into their power for many, many years. And I look forward to accompanying you too!

Upcoming Live Event


Course Description:
Die Intuition steht im 12. Tierkreiszeichen, den Fischen. Diese Archetypin ist astrologisch gesehen die letzte und somit dem Jenseits am nächsten.... Read more »
Location: Linienstraße 130, 2. HH. 10115 Berlin
Date: 25. February - 25. February 2025
Instructor: Dr. Caroline Böttiger
Ticket Price: 39 €  29,00 €
Download the FREE mini Masterclass Guide to your divine feminine…
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Emotional Products

essential treatment  - hunger

essential treatment - hunger

Emotional Mind
24,90 €
essential treatment  - hunger

essential treatment - hunger

Emotional Mind
24,90 €
SCRUBEFFECTS Peeling-butter

SCRUBEFFECTS Peeling-butter

29,99 €
essential peeling

essential peeling

29,99 €
essential therapy

essential therapy

29,99 €
essential treatment  - hunger

essential treatment - hunger

Emotional Mind
24,90 €

Goddesses Blog

How to start your Goddess Journey? Read more
How to start your Goddess Journey?
Inner chaos is outer chaos Read more
Inner chaos is outer chaos
Healing comes through feeling Read more
Healing comes through feeling

Transforming Courses



We start this journey with your inner heroine. She activates you and gets you to start something new. She wants you to get fully involved. In this workshop, we will look together at what is standing between you and your inner heroine and how you can overcome these obstacles so that you are full of energy, strength and courage again. Awaken your curiosity for life and use the power of the heroine to conquer the world anew for yourself every day from now on...

More Course Information…
159,00 €


Immerse yourself in the world of the senses. Experience yourself anew and lose yourself in the moment of feeling. Discover your orgasmic nature and establish a deep, intimate connection with yourself...

More Course Information…
159,00 €  99,00 €


The archetype of networking helps you to communicate better. She awakens your deep interest in others. She helps you to connect quickly, recognize parallels and deal empathically with everyone, regardless of whether you know the person well or not. Her power is mirroring and analyzing.

More Course Information…
159,00 €

When you have a sense of who you are and a vision of where you're going in life, you then have the basis of reaching out to the world and going after your dreams for a better life...

Maxime Mustermann

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