
Questions & Answers

Product Information

In my online course you will find essential oil mixtures that I have developed and mixed with a lot of love. The filling and packaging was carried out in a facility for the disabled. This means that it can happen from time to time that one of the oils is not perfect and I hope for your understanding and that you find a facility for the disabled as worth supporting as I do. All products are organic and vegan except for the peeling butter (it has beeswax in it)

I have been working with oils for years, but I prefer YoungLiving® oils the most. YoungLiving® works extremely transparently with the Seed to Seel process. This means that every step from sowing to the sales table is transparently documented and traceable. I found 12 of the YoungLiving® oil blends to match my 12 Goddesses and you can order them via the link for the corresponding product. You will be redirected to the YoungLiving® website and must first create a customer account. You can then buy the oils. This has nothing to do with my online shop. If you have any questions about YoungLiving® or about ordering or their other products, please contact me by email ( and I try to help you as good as I can.

Emotional-mind ist eine Webseite und ein online Shop zur Stärkung Deiner Weiblichkeit. Insofern sind die online Kurse (und auch die Life Events) für Frauen mit Frauenkörpern gedacht. Dabei geht es zu keinem Zeitpunkt darum das Männliche zu verneinen oder zu diffamieren, im Gegenteil. Aber es braucht Orte und Räume, wo Frauen unter sich sein können, um sich sicher und wohl zu fühlen und emotional-mind soll so ein Raum sein. Die online Kurse für die 12 Göttinnen Reise sind in einem Zyklus aufgebaut und werden monatlich freigeschaltet. Der Zyklus beginnt mit der ersten Göttin, der Heldin (Widder) und läuft den gesamten März. Die zweite Göttin ist die Sinnliche (Stier) und läuft den gesamten April usw. Wenn Du einen, mehrere oder alle 12 online Kurse erwirbst, dann bleiben sie jeweils für ein Jahr für Dich freigeschaltet. Es gibt 1x im Monat für die jeweilige Göttin ein Zoom Meeting, wo wir uns in der Gruppe sehen, kennenlernen und unterstützen. Der Workshop ist so konzipiert, dass Du ihn innerhalb von einem Monat durchführen kannst. Du kannst aber bis zu einem Jahr darauf zugreifen, danach wird der Account geschlossen. 
Betreuung: Wenn Du das Gefühl hast, dass der online Kurs Emotionen in Dir ausgelöst hat, mit denen Du nicht gut alleine zurecht kommst, dann kannst Du mir gerne schreiben und wir schauen zusammen was es braucht. Du kannst auch gerne einen Therapie-Termin bei mir buchen (

With emotional-mind, I have created a platform that is intended to strengthen your femininity. In this respect, the life events are intended exclusively for women with women's bodies. At no point is it about denying or defaming the male, on the contrary. But there need to be places and spaces where women can be among themselves in order to feel safe and comfortable, and emotional-mind should be such a space. The life events are weekend workshops near Berlin. They are also based on the cycle of the 12 goddesses/archetypes, but three goddesses are always grouped together in a weekend workshop. Accordingly, there are four workshops per year: those for the spring, summer, autumn and winter goddesses.
Support: If you have the feeling that the online course has triggered emotions in you that you cannot cope with well on your own, then you are welcome to write to me and we will see what is needed together. You are also welcome to book a therapy appointment with me (

Ordering Process & Support

Simply click on the corresponding link for the relevant online course and fill out the relevant information and payment options. After completed payment you will receive ….Bestätigungsemail…. Zugangsdaten…and more...

Simply click on the associated link for the relevant event and fill out the relevant information and payment options. After payment has been completed, you will receive a confirmation email about the successful booking. An email with all the important information about location, arrival, booking accommodation and meals and anything else you need to consider usually arrives a few days later. 

Since the accommodation is not always the same, you will receive a separate email from me with all the important documents a few days after your booking. In most cases, a corresponding contingent of beds and rooms is already reserved for the seminar location. You can then decide whether you would prefer the double room or the single room. You will receive detailed information about all the following steps in the above-mentioned email.

Simply click on your desired product and fill out all the necessary registration fields and payment conditions. I work with ThriveCart, an online shop system, which unfortunately doesn't have a shopping cart. Therefore, only one product can be purchased per order. If you want to order several products, you will have to go through the purchasing process several times, but if you have activated remembering your data in the input mask, this will be very quick. If I see that you have ordered several products, then of course you will not receive several individual packages, but everything in one.

YoungLiving® oils cannot be ordered via my online shop. Instead, you will be redirected directly to the YoungLiving® website via a link where you can create a customer account and order additional oils via the shopping cart (there is one here 😊 ).

todo [ThriveCart checken]

The images are sample images of the respective product. The stored item description is always decisive.

After completing your order, did you notice that something was missing or needed to be changed? Changes to the order are possible until I prepare your goods for dispatch. You can simply send any desired changes by email to (

YoungLiving® oils cannot be ordered through my online shop. Instead, you will be redirected directly to the YoungLiving® website via a link where you can create a customer account and order additional oils via the shopping cart (there is one here 😊 ).

There's something wrong with your order and you're stuck? No problem! Simply contact me by email and I will be happy to help you. If necessary, we can also arrange a Zoom call.

Changes to the address are possible until I prepare your goods for dispatch. You can simply send the new address by email to (

Essential oils are a natural product and therefore YoungLiving® and I are also dependent on suppliers for their production. Some oils are sometimes simply not available due to climatic conditions. My offer is only valid while stocks last.

If an item is particularly popular, it may have gone out of stock just before you completed your order. In very rare cases, our system cannot update this in time, so the order has to be canceled afterwards. If the item is sold out, I'm sorry. I´ll set you on a waiting list and let you know when the item is there again.

Basically, I make sure to keep the inventory in the online shop up to date. Despite this, it can happen that the stocks in the system do not match the actual stocks due to supplier problems or returns.

Of course. This is especially true if you want to buy larger quantities. Please send me an email ( with the product name and quantity and your telephone number if you have any questions and I will send you an offer.

My online shop offer is equally affordable for all customers. For larger quantities, you can send me an email ( at any time and I will create an offer for you.

Unfortunately I don't have a showroom, but I do have a practice (the Mitte Praxis) in Berlin-Mitte where you are welcome to make an appointment with me and then you can look at the product there.

Of course you’re welcome – just contact me by email (

Yes, of course, free of charge and without obligation - I am happy to hear from anyone who is interested and I will be happy to explain technical terms or active ingredients, for example, so that we can find the right product for you. Please contact me to make an appointment by email (

There are rare cases where not all items ordered are available for immediate delivery, I reserve the right to send a partial delivery in advance. The remaining delivery will then be made as quickly as possible, and of course there will be no new shipping costs.

I try to protect your order as best as possible against damage. However, damage does occur in rare cases. If a package arrives with visibel external damage (torn, crushed, etc.), please refuse to accept the goods, pointing out the damage, so that the shipment is returned to me. I will then arrange the replacement delivery. If there is damage that is not externally visible and was not caused by the shipping service provider, please send me photos of the damage by email ( I will then take care of a replacement immediately.

In business customer transactions, returns due to dissatisfaction are generally not allowed. However, I will always try to find a good solution together with you. Simply contact me via email (

I am not responsible for the ordering, processing and delivery process from YoungLiving®. Please contact the customer service provided by Young Living first. If that doesn´t help you and you still have the PIN I sent to you, then I´ll be happy to try to help you and find out what the problem is. Simply contact me via email (

Payment & Invoice

In a few cases, your invoice will be included in the package. Most of the time, however, the invoice comes by email ( If necessary, please check the spam folder to see whether the invoice ended up there. If you can't find it there either, contact me by email (

For new customers I offer the alternatives “credit card”, “Klarna” and “PayPal” for payment. For credit card and Paypal there are fees of 1.9% in addition to the parcel shipping price.

In order to ensure secure invoice payment, I would have to carry out an automatic address and credit check when purchasing on account. This would require your consent and would be done fully automatically through computer systems. For data protection reasons, I have no insight into the algorithms and therefore into the reasons for rejection. That's why I've decided not to allow bill payments at all.

It is possible that there is an overlap between your payment deadline and your receipt of payment. Please check whether you have transferred the invoice amount to the correct bank details and stated the correct intended purpose. Otherwise, you can also send me a screenshot of the transfer by email. (

I don´t have coupon´s or vouchers at the moment.

Yes, I also deliver to the above-mentioned establishments against invoice. In this case, however, I ask you to send an order via email ( with reference to my online shop offer.

Shipping & Delivery

Ca. 95% unserer Aufträge wickel ich innerhalb einer Woche ab. Sollte in Einzelfällen die Beschaffung der Ware länger dauern, kontaktiere ich Dich umgehend und schlage Dir ggfs. Alternativen vor.

I have a greeting customer contract with the parcel service DHL, valid for Germany and the countries of the European Union. Unfortunately, I cannot commission another parcel service to deliver.

My delivery area includes Germany and other EU countries. Unfortunately, delivery is not possible outside this area. For Switzerland, I recommend using a service provider in the border area who provides a German delivery address. You can find these providers using the relevant search terms on the Internet.

I have no free delivery limit on the value of the goods.

Returns & Complaints

In principle, goods that have already been opened or are damaged cannot be returned.

If you realize that the product was not right for you and it is still unopened and undamaged, you can return it within 14 days of receipt. As soon as you have decided to return it, please write to me by email ( and I will then send you a QR code. You can use this QR code to go to any DHL drop-off point and return the package. I'll cover the costs for this.

For stock items ordered by December 24th, an extended return period applies until January 14th of the next year.

You will receive a refund of the purchase price using the same payment method you previously used to pay for your order.  For example, if you paid with PayPal, you will receive your refund into your PayPal account. If you paid by credit card, the refund will be made to your credit card account - in these cases the refund will not be made to your bank account.

Something must have gone wrong! Sorry! Please contact me by email ( and we will sort it out. As a rule, you can keep the incorrectly sent item if you want, or free of charge using a return QR code, which I will then send to you by email , send back via DHL. Then you will immediately get the right product and a little something extra for the circumstances!

If you can't come to the live event for some reason, then that's a shame, of course, but not a problem. Different cancellation times apply to the live events due to the organization on site. You can cancel your place free of charge by email ( up to 1 month before the live event. You can reserve your place up to 2 weeks before the start of the live event.

Of course! Please simply send me a short confirmation and contact details by email ( first and last name, address, date of birth, telephone number.

We have two different types of online courses, which have different legal conditions. Online courses with a limited number of participants that start on a specific date are excluded from the 14-day right of withdrawal and therefore cannot be complained about. You can cancel online courses that do not have a participant limit within 14 days by email (

The following online courses are excluded from the 14-day right of withdrawal: 12 Goddesses courses

The following online courses can be canceled within 14 days: ...

Live Events

Since the life events take place in different locations, the catering is also different. But there are always vegetarian and vegan versions. The detailed email that will be sent to you shortly after your booking also includes a Google Docs form where you can enter your name, food intolerances and eating habits. This will then be forwarded to the accommodation.

In the detailed email that will be sent to you shortly after your booking, you will find out how you can book directly with the accommodation. However, it may also be that a Google Docs form is sent in which you can enter your name for bed allocation (single, double or multiple bed rooms). There you will also find the relevant bank details to which you can transfer the amount for the accommodation.

In the detailed email that will be sent shortly after your booking, you will find all the information on how to get to the accommodation. With this email I will send a Google Docs form for carpooling where you can register as a driver or passenger.

You will find out the costs for accommodation in the detailed email that you will receive shortly after your booking. The prices for different bed occupancies are of course different.

Since I work a lot on empowerment at the live events, it gets intense and sometimes sweaty. So please bring yoga clothes, a change of T-shirts, a sealable water bottle and a notebook for your insights, thoughts and processes. You will receive all the details from me by email after you have booked.


You can find the registration page for my newsletter here. To register for my newsletter I need a so-called double opt-in. This means that after you have entered the link you will be sent an email which you then have to confirm. Only then are you registered for my newsletter.

In each of my newsletters you will find an unsubscribe link at the bottom.

Personal Support

The best way to reach me is by email: ( We can then arrange a telephone or Zoom appointment there if necessary. If you booked a live-event and you need to contact me over phone, please check the detail Email that I´ve sent to you. My number is noted there for emergency situations.

In principle, you can write to me at any time after the workshop and briefly describe your situation and whether a short feedback from me is enough for you or whether you need a personal conversation. There are two ways to do this. We can have a short 10 minute free phone call. But if it is something larger and you need a longer conversation, then please book an online appointment via my practice website If you cannot find an appointment in the foreseeable future because all appointments are fully booked, please contact me again and I will find you an appointment outside of the official calendar. You can either come to Berlin-Mitte on site or book an appointment online via Zoom.