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Since the life events take place in different locations, the catering is also different. But there are always vegetarian and vegan versions. The detailed email that will be sent to you shortly after your booking also includes a Google Docs form where you can enter your name, food intolerances and eating habits. This will then be forwarded to the accommodation.

In the detailed email that will be sent to you shortly after your booking, you will find out how you can book directly with the accommodation. However, it may also be that a Google Docs form is sent in which you can enter your name for bed allocation (single, double or multiple bed rooms). There you will also find the relevant bank details to which you can transfer the amount for the accommodation.

In the detailed email that will be sent shortly after your booking, you will find all the information on how to get to the accommodation. With this email I will send a Google Docs form for carpooling where you can register as a driver or passenger.

You will find out the costs for accommodation in the detailed email that you will receive shortly after your booking. The prices for different bed occupancies are of course different.

Since I work a lot on empowerment at the live events, it gets intense and sometimes sweaty. So please bring yoga clothes, a change of T-shirts, a sealable water bottle and a notebook for your insights, thoughts and processes. You will receive all the details from me by email after you have booked.