Emotional Products

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essential therapy

essential therapy

SKU: B-15938511
29,99 €
  • Ätherisches Öl mit vitalisierender und belebender Wirkung.
  • Stimmungserhellende und herzöffnende Wirkung dank Mellissenöl.
  • Trägeröl: Mandelöl
  • Anteil ätherischer Öle ca. 10 %

50 ml

Base price/Liter: 399,80 €

For the "vitality" oil mixture, especially those oils were chosen that lift your mood, are refreshing and dynamic. This oil is perfect before exercise, an important appointment or to get out of a negative mood. But you can also use it wonderfully after exercise, because rosemary, lemongrass and orange have blood circulation-promoting properties and stimulate the metabolism. This oil can help you become more active, lose weight and develop new, more active routines.

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